As I began to get closer to the end of this project, I dedicated some time to finding out more about the rendering settings I had on my work. I was rather new to this subject, so, again, I consulted the Blender community, and followed the advice they had to give.
Blender Guru
Blender Guru uploaded an advice video on exactly this, so I chose to take notes and see what I could apply to my work. Not all of these helped to reduce the rendering times, but they did help to improve my final outcome.
1. Reducing Light bounces
I reduced my light bounces to have a maximum of 2.
2. Tile size
I ensured my Auto Tile Add-on was checked so I could optimise the rendering time.
3. Reducing samples
When creating test renders, I reduced the sampling sizes to save time, turning them back up to at least 128 when creating final images.
4. Denoising
Denoising helped to reduce some noise in my image, helping to make my scene look more realistic.
5. Clamp it
To reduce the number of white ‘fireflies’, I ensured I had clamped indirectly.
6. Object Instancing
When appending the same item multiple times, instead of duplicating them, I Instanced them, helping to reduce memory.
After following this tutorial I consulted my tutor, who also gave me advice on how to optimise my rendering times. I also applied some of my own ideas to the final product, reducing the number of faces but removing unnecessary foliage, and changing the colour of the light to add a mystical feel to the scene.
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