One initial struggle I had when experimenting with creating fabric in Blender was what vertices to pin and how to pin them. After experimenting with basic, but not ideal, results, I consulted the Blender community on Youtube, finding the following tutorial by CG Cookie.
What was unique about this tutorial was how CG Cookie used weight painting to pin the sections he wanted to. Not only does this allow him to pin the exact points of which he wants to pin, but he manipulates the strength of the weight painting in order to apply a diluted effect to other parts of his model. This allows him to add detail to his model, without restricting the strength of the effect to %100 or %0.
ON watching this, I experimented with this method of pinning fabric and gained the following results.
I quickly made the following set up:
I initially experimented with using just red and dark blue values. This was quick and easy to assign:
As I had already relied on the system of having just two values – pinned and loose – I added strips of green into this set up, a value that falls roughly inbetween red and dark blue. The effect was interesting, and allowed for more modelling capabilities in what I thought to be such a restricting effect:
– CG Cookie (2017). CGC Classic: Creating a Pup Tent pt.1 – Modeling (Blender 2.4).
Available at: [Accessed 22 Apr. 2018].
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