Instead of adding the textures to my individual assets, I chose to append each of the assets into a mock-up (shown in previous posts) and add the textures to that. By doing this, I was then able to keep each asset in the same position, only needing to alter their location slightly where needed, such as to fit the displacement of the environment’s floor.
After adding the textures to my mockup, I was left with the following outcome:
What I noticed in this export was that the textures I applied to my lantern’s bulb did not look as I had hoped. To fix this, I followed the following tutorial on how to replicate acrylic glass in Blender, applying this method to my bulb.
This tutorial allowed me to gain the following output:
I then appended this file into my environment file. Once scaling and moving the objects into place, I then focused in on each specific asset, ensuring their interaction with the surroundings looked natural. The following image is the final layout of my project:
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