Saucepan Issues | Development

When appending my assets into one file, I noticed a rather drastic change in the rendering times compared to earlier versions of my scene. While the scene is detailed, the rendering time took a drastically long time, especially since I was yet to apply textures to any of the assets present. The longest process seemed to be the synchronisation of the objects, so I turned to google to try and find some answers.

One thread I found suggested that it was an issue with RAM. Having attempted to render this mockup on my laptop, I chose to try the same on a computer with larger capabilities, but I was still left with the same issues.

Thread: 2.66, Cycles is Stuck Synchronizing Objects

First mock up values
First mockup values

After a lot of deliberation, I noticed that the values at the top of the Blender document were excessively high, something I was not sure of until I discussed the issue with my tutor. As I had made a point during my modelling processes to remove as many unwanted faces as possible, I assumed this value was correct, however, decided to check each asset again to find the source of the problem. In doing so, I found that the saucepan formed a large amount of those values, leading me to remove it from the scene.

The values of the mockup with the saucepan removed
The values of the mockup with the saucepan removed
The values of the saucepan alone
The values of the saucepan alone

Removing this asset radically reduced the rendering time, so my next task was to figure out how to include the saucepan into the scene without affecting the values. My first instinct was to recreate the saucepan, as the shape was rather simple and I was confident I could do it in a reasonable amount of time, but when discussing the issue with my tutor, he suggested I just import the OBJ I created in preparation for substance painter. I chose to do so, as I was rather pleased with the outcome of my model, and would have rushed to get another version finished in a reasonable amount of time.

When importing the OBJ, I was faced with some nodes I needed to remove before adding the textures I wanted. These were simple enough to deal with, as all I needed to do was delete them completely and paste the appropriate node sequence.

Screen Shot 2018-04-26 at 13.55.49

After making this alteration, I was able to export the following mockup in no time.

Final Mockup:

Shot 5

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