Physics in Blender | Research

In order to create a subtle animation, I decided to experiment with the physics types Blender has to offer. The software can add effects anywhere from generating particles, smoke, wind, and even creating fluid simulations that can resemble jelly.

Within blender, you have the option to add simulations to your models that imitate ‘real physical phenomena’. These include the following:

* Particle Systems – Can imitate many things; flocks, hair, smoke.

Particles 1

* Hair – A subset of Particle Systems, this can be used for other strand-like particles such as fur, quills, and grass.

Hair 2

* Soft Bodies – Great for items that deform in reaction to gravity or collision with other objects, such as skin or rubber.

Soft Body 1

* Cloth Simulation – A subset go Soft Bodies, this option focuses on creating the effect of cloth types, from silk to denim.

Cloth Simulation 1

* Rigid Bodies – Simulates rigidity in objects.

Rigid Body 1

* Fluids – Simulates liquids and gases.

Fluid 1 Fluid 2

* Force Fields – These modify the behaviour of simulations. Force types include Wind, Magnetic, Drag, and Turbulence.

Force Field 1 Force Field 2 Force Field 3

Here are examples of how each of the above simulations can be used in Blender:



Sources: (2018). Introduction to Physics Simulation — Blender Reference Manual. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Feb. 2018].

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